If you receive a Traffic Ticket in Queens NY you could face costly fines, points on your license and even the loss of your driving privileges if you get too many. In addition, points on your license can increase your auto insurance rates significantly for you and your family members that share the same car. The most effective way to keep the points off your license is by hiring a top Queens NYC Traffic Lawyer.
A Speeding Violation Lawyer Queens can assist in reducing your fine, keeping the points off your record or fighting the charge altogether. They know the Queens and New York courts, judges, and procedures well and can evaluate your case and evidence. They also help you through the intimidating process of defending yourself.
Speeding Violation Lawyer Queens: How to Contest Your Ticket
New York City’s largest borough, Queens, has its own unique set of Traffic Court issues because it’s home to diverse neighborhoods and busy roadways. In 2022, police officers in Queens issued 148,543 traffic tickets. Among the most common were Speeding tickets (61,311 citations), followed by Cell Phone violations (34,544).
Queens traffic tickets are adjudicated at the Queens Traffic Violations Bureau. Unlike other New York courts, the TVB does not allow tickets to be negotiated or “pleaded down.” Instead, every ticket must be contested by requesting a hearing. A knowledgeable Queens traffic defense attorney can prepare your case and appear on your behalf at a hearing with the TVB’s Judge or Prosecutor. They can often find omissions, contradictions or flaws in the officer’s notes and/or recollection of the incident that may result in your ticket being dismissed.