Overhead Water Tower Construction


overhead water tower construction

The first step in overhead water towers | tankproinc construction is to select a suitable site. This can be tricky, since the tower must be out of service in order to perform the necessary inspections. Choosing the location for the tower should be done with careful consideration of the water circulation in the distribution system. A poor site could affect the quality of water in the long run.


Another step in overhead water tower construction is to determine the height of the tower. The height is important because it provides hydrostatic pressure for the water supply system. If necessary, a pump can also be installed to supplement this pressure. However, this is expensive and would require a complicated control system. To provide pressure without a tower, the piping must be of a certain diameter.

Overhead water tower construction is a complex process that requires a lot of research. It is also important to consider how much water the tower will have to store. For example, a tower with a capacity of 50,000 gallons is not sufficient for a town of 180 people. Consequently, Snyder & Associates recommended a smaller standpipe tower. This design would provide a better water pressure and ample storage for emergency situations. The team was also familiar with the various water funding options and helped the town secure USDA funding for its new water tower.

Overhead water towers are constructed using reinforced concrete. They are elevated structures supporting a water tank. The tank is usually above the natural ground level to provide water pressure. Additionally, they can be used as emergency storage in the event of a fire. Many types of overhead water towers operate in conjunction with underground or surface service reservoirs. These reservoirs store treated water close to where it is used. On the other hand, some types of overhead water towers are designed to store non-potable water and are not connected to the public water supply.

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